Updated pics 2016


APRIL 2016

These pictures were taken Easter 2016, when my sister and her partner visited us here at the Gold Coast with Malin, my younger sister’s daughter.
Some of my friends and ex students are writing to me from time to time asking questions like: How are things going there at the GC in QLD and what is your life like having retired now…
Instead of rewriting long emails answering these questions I keep on blogging and publish selected pictures re my life here in Australia.

To keep in touch just use my normal email address or google me – here my web profile including the relevant links.


Alles Gute / take care, yours

Go to the Vimeo LINK here…

Burleigh Heads after the storm 5th June 2016

This is Burleigh in QLD – Australia from Peter H Bloecker on Vimeo.